How we started
LOADEMY MOBILE TELECOMMUNICATION SERVICES is a duly registered 100% Filipino owned company under DTI Reg. 3200159 registered last July 2021 and become LOADEMY OPC last August 2023 under SEC#2023050099241-02.
We aim to be the fastest, efficient and quality E-loading System in future. Our members will surely stay on our side because of our generous discounts, rebates and profit sharing.
With the expertise of the owner, members will enjoy the privileges, services and after sales. As the company grows, the member earnings will also grow. We don’t settle for less but we provide the best service in all possible way the we can. LOADEMY derives from LOADEMY and ACADEMY which means, we are the Loading business of the People. We provide livelihood, extra basket of income and also an opportunity to be financially in depended
Empowerment thru technology, create another source of income, provide a reliable and efficient e-loading business.
We envision to empower people by providing equal opportunity and become a financially independent individual and every LOADEMY members are committed to the community, environment and responsible citizen of the nation.
We are committed to empowering people by providing efficient and effective programs that can boost Loademy members confidence, knowledge and skills.
We strive more to be No. 1 in the market in terms of prepaid loads. Provide Corporate solutions that will address their needs for Electronic Load, Devices and Product Distributions. To develop, innovate and adopt to existing and new technology.